How to have more than 8 sims in a sims 3 household? HELP PLEASE!!?
Question by Carly Harley: How to have more than 8 sims in a sims 3 household? HELP PLEASE!!?
Hi everyone well I’m trying to make a movie in Sims 3, and I need to be able to control more than 8 sims for the movie. I know this one cheat that I tried but it doesn’t work anymore because i updated my game so like there was some patch that won’t allow me to do it anymore. what i used to do is: shift control c then type in testingcheatsenabled true and then i shift clicked on the sim that i wanted to be in my family and it said “Add to active family” or something like that but now when I try it it doesn’t have that option available anymore:( im really sad because i really wanted to make this movie so bad. And if im not able to control them then they will mess up the scenes and do the wrong stuff. Please please please answer!!!! I need help!!! ok thank you guys in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by Jared
You can’t have anymore people in your household 8 is the maximum.
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