How To Make A Great Movie Villain


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Fox Mulder. On many occasions, Mulder’s life is under threat and Smoking Man regularly prevents the Syndicate from authorising Mulder’s murder. His absolute power, suggested by his behaviour towards the show’s protagonists, is questioned within his role in the Syndicate as he is often belittled and degraded. However, despite his authority being questioned in these scenes he is till regarded as an obvious force with his control over Mulder’s destiny.

A sinister and disturbing persona can often be acquired by a villain when their behaviour is deemed unpredictable and erratic. This is often portrayed in movie villains that are criminally insane such as The Silence of the Lambs’ Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Played by Sir Anthony Hopkin, Lecter is a psychiatrist, cannibal murderer with the ability to manipulate and control those around him.


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