How to make a movie poster…easy 10 pts?
Question by Summa Girl: How to make a movie poster…easy 10 pts?
how do you make a movie poster, on your computer what do you do, please help me also what kind of paper do you use for a magazine also for the posters inside the magazines
Best answer:
Answer by corky snu
depend on what programs you have and if you have like vista or whatever i would like do it on paint and use internet pics on it and kinda fix it up a bit for a magazine look at magazines you have but i don’t know if you can get that stuff so i would say if you are making a poster and magazine use regular paper unless you find that thin plastic feeling paper somewhere it is posible you may find it in an office supply store on an online store try ebay and if you have a Hays where you live try there or what ever office supply stor you’ve got
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