how to make movie mkv file that i burn to dvd work on dvd player. it will only work on my computer thru divx?
Question by : how to make movie mkv file that i burn to dvd work on dvd player. it will only work on my computer thru divx?
the file is mkv and i was ablt to burn to a dvd-r disc but it wont play on any of my 3 dvd players how or y can i get to work by either coverting file to diff format n burning it again please help
Best answer:
Answer by Tim J
You need to burn the DVDs as Video DVDs, not Data DVDs. Therefore you need to convert the video format from mkv files to DV (with the audio/video file structure that DVD use – Audio TS and Video TS folders etc).
Somebody may have better info for the best software to use for this… but that’s the reason they’re not playing back.
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