How to make right decisions and not be caught in marketing trap
How to make right decisions and not be caught in marketing trap
Making right decisions is something crucial in our lives. We are facing the problem of decision making so often that many of us got so used to it they do it subconsciously. To make things clear I have to specify that I’m not talking about choosing the way to go, or whether it’s a good moment to get married or not, I’m talking about the very basic decision we make every single time we go shopping – which product to buy?
Firstly we shall look at the most common shopping we do, i.e. food and household cleaning stuff. Whenever you go to the shop, you are ‘attacked’ by hundreds of products that are very similar. The thing that differentiates them most is the price. Manufacturers of food have mastered this unique technique of getting people to pay loads of money for a very common product – they call their product healthy or eco-friendly, and all
of a sudden it’s worth twice as much as it used to cost being a regular product. Same thing with all the cleaning fluids you use to clean your house. Manufacturers use incredible not to say sensational product descriptions to make sure that you believe their product is rare. Lately I’ve heard a commercial of one of the washing powders that was somehow special because it could intelligently detect stains. I called my friend who is a chemist and believe me or not he said that it was just an attribute of washing powders, nothing special, but the manufacturer made many people pay a lot of money for something completely common and normal.
We may observe similar processes in any other market segment, but I think the one that –~~~~~~~~~~~~–
href=””>shows this phenomenon best is the consumer electronics business. It’s impossible to open the box with a device you want to buy and check what’s really inside. The stats that manufacturers provide us with are often so difficult that without professional help you won’t understand what they do measure. I can give you many examples starting with the simplest Linux vs. Windows, but it’s quite obvious. Another one comes from pen tablets area. Recently I was looking for my first graphic tablet. I am an absolute beginner. My final choice came to Genius vs. Wacom decision. I spent some time checking on the Internet their tablets (Wacom Bamboo Fun and Genius MousePen i608). It turned out that both manufacturers offer the same functions, features, and performance on those tablet models but for a very different price. I went for Genius
pen tablet and paid 0 less than for the Wacom device.
Whenever you make a purchase choice you should make sure that it’s a conscious decision, otherwise you may end up paying a lot of money for product marketing or for brand. There are a lot of good bargains out there. If you are willing to take the trouble to compare the products, you will win a good deal and save money without compromising on quality.
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