How to replace your head and head gasket pt. 1- 1992 Mazda B2600i

Here is how I changed the head and gasket on my 1992 Mazda B2600i pickup truck. This was the first time I have ever done a head gasket repair, and I have to say that most everything went according to plan. It was actually a lot easier than I anticipated. Total work time was about 14 hours, plus 2 weeks waiting for parts to arrive, that was the hardest part, haha. I am not especially mechanically trained or inclined, just interested in mechanics and the way they work, and that has helped me tremendously through procedures like this. I have found that since I want to learn about the way these parts connect, disconnect, and cooperate together, I have been able to do things to my cars and trucks that I never thought I could. Taking care of your own vehicles is definitely a rewarding activity, for many reasons. Obviously you save a lot of money, you can rely on yourself to get your truck running in a jam, and are rarely stranded on the side of the road for long. Also, with more people doing their own work on their cars, mechanic services will be devalued, thus making it more affordable for everyone (0 per labor hour, can you believe that?!?) Also, there is definitely a sense of satisfaction which comes from a job well done, being an interested and capable and competent individual, and helping out your friends with their problems. I like to learn, I like to be handy and useful to others, I like to save money, and I like to get dirty, so whenever I can I wrench on my own
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Sejuani has a very clear role as a tank and initiator, both in the early and late game. She has a lot of usefulness as a jungler, where she can roam and gank, but I personally didn’t see much use for her in a lane (someone at high ELO might prove me wrong on this statement). Her early jungle is a little rougher than some other champions but it picks up quickly. If you guys don’t mind, please help support the series by leaving your thoughts in this thread on the official League forums: Follow me on Twitter: I found her to be unusually enjoyable, but I also enjoy tanks like Amumu and Leona. I tried a few builds on her and they all worked decently well. What I settled on was 9/11/9, with both Barbed Armor and the bonus health perks in Defensive (along with magic pen in offensive and buff duration in utility). For runes, I did a standard Magic Pen (Red), Flat Armor/Magic Resist (Yellow/Blue), and Health Quints. Run speed Quints worked well, too, but you’re more vulnerable in your early jungle doing this. For skills, Flash was a little better than Ghost in my games, and Smite is always a must-have for jungling. I went WQE for my first three levels, then prioritized W and E until both were finished, with Q finishing last. W isn’t super important but it has a huge impact on your jungling speed, and I felt that was worth it. Items: A lot of options, including Frozen Mallet and Frozen Heart (on a frozen champion?). Sunfire cape and other tanky
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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