How to Use your Right Brain When you Cold Call – Unlock the Power of your Right Brain for Cold Calling Success!
How to Use your Right Brain When you Cold Call – Unlock the Power of your Right Brain for Cold Calling Success!
Do you struggle with the process of cold calling? For many of us, it’s a grueling experience. That’s because we try to carry on a conversation from a rigid, linear place. We’re trying to follow a strategy or a script.
Thus, when it comes to having a relaxed and enjoyable cold calling conversation, it just doesn’t work very well.
Our “right brain” is very different from step-by-step, logical, linear processes. It’s organic and intuitive. The right brain is all about things like speech and relationships.
So why do we turn off this very skilled part of ourselves when we’re doing exactly that in cold calling — having conversations and engaging in some kind of relationship with a fellow human? Well, we’ve been trained out of it. We’ve lost the normal flow of our intuitive, right brain