How would one go about making a movie trailer for the book The Catcher in the Rye?
Question by Lindsey M: How would one go about making a movie trailer for the book The Catcher in the Rye?
I want to make a movie trailer for the book, The Catcher in the Rye for my AP Language and Composition class, but I don’t know how to go about doing that.
I was considering editing a few movie clips together, but I don’t know which movie(s) I could use.
Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by badfish
well i’m a firm believer in brevity being the soul of wit so i would apply that adage here and make a black and white trailer. since the book obviously has a more depressed feel to it i’d use almost no sound. most of it would be silent..but, in a good, artistic way. it’ll come off well if you do. and one of the main things if you could round up enough kids would to have Holden standing there as dozens of kids run by him in slow motion. (making him the catcher in the rye accorded the part in the book that gives the book it’s name).
PS and of course a field of rye would be a necessity.
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