How would you mix in 2 different instrument covers together using a computer software?
Question by Jason: How would you mix in 2 different instrument covers together using a computer software?
Yeah hey. If you watch the movie “Music and Lyrics”, you would see that the time Hugh Grant was making the background music or w/e you call it, he played the piano and guitar and everything and then he mixed it all into the computer and all. And the outcome was awesome. I want to know how you would actually do that and if it is actually possible, requiring a software, where might I download it? I own a piano and a guitar and i want to do a cover of a song but I just can’t seem to figure out how to mix them together so that they would sound as if everything was done at once by different people =(
Guys sorry, I think I mentioned that I owned a piano, I do but i was particularly talking about a keyboard. It has a USB thingie hole behind it =D
Best answer:
Answer by entertainer0305
hey….i’ll give you one way to do it…which seems to be one of the most popular ways… you need a mac computer…with something called a digi rack and a program that comes with it called pro tools…you can plug your guitar in and play it into the rack which is directly connected to your computer…for your piano…hmmm…i’m guessing it’s not electric or anything so you’d probably have to play it into a mic that also connects to your digi rack…
for me…i have a keyboard that is also a computer so it’s super easy for me to mix everything…but i also have protools…so i’ve worked that also…well that’s one way to do it…i’m not too sure about the cheaper ways…i heard you can also use something called a “mix board”…but you’d have to research it more…most people like pro tools though…it’s pretty user friendly…
EDIT: the guy below me said something about fl studio…he’s right too…and it’s cheaper…but you should buy a cheap midi controller(keyboard that gets sound from your computer) to go along with it to control the sounds…
EDIT2: as long as you have that…all you need to buy is fruity loops and connect your usb keyboard…but you also need to buy an amp that connects to your computer…go check out guitar center…they can break it down so good and you will understand all this stuff i’m saying…it’s where i went were i first put together my home studio…they will hook you up…just give them your price range…oh and fruity loops start at about 100 i think….
man i hope i helped…lol
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