I can’t figure out what the title to this debating movie is and it’s been annoying me forever.?
Question by Adam: I can’t figure out what the title to this debating movie is and it’s been annoying me forever.?
I vaguely remember it, however, it is about a teenager attempting to join a debate/trivia team (I can’t exactly remember which one) and he ends up making it. In his final competition he ends up cheating and his teacher is able to realize that by asking him a question that he would have known had he studied normally and didn’t cheat. Later on, he returns as an older, fully grown adult to participate in the competition (or whatever it was) again and he is also seen cheating in this scene with his fellow cheater reading the answers to him from a book through an earpiece. The same teacher from before realizes again and asks that same question as he did before and he still does not know it. Do you know which movie this is?
Best answer:
Answer by PlainPat
My brother showed me a short story he wrote when he was in 7th grade with Rooney. It was about cheating, it was good, but I wrote one too, and I was very young too.
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