I dont understand the movie REST STOP, someone help?

Question by BBYCAKES:D: I dont understand the movie REST STOP, someone help?
Okay so I’ve watched the movie Rest Stop, like Four times. And I still don’t under stand it. What’s with the family in the rv thing? and the cop? and the girl in the closet? Also how come that guy never dies? That movie just doesn’t make sense to me? But yet I liked it? haha

Best answer:

Answer by MystMoonstruck
This IMDb review has helped a number of people when I used it to respond to this question previously:
The movie lacks basic logic at many points, the acting is not that good, and the whole setting is pretty unreal. However, most people seem to fail to get the happenings in the movie completely. Perhaps the reviewers should read the review by Sixforthehoney to understand what is happening. I quote below the major points he mentioned, with added notes.

1) The religious family killed “The Driver”.

2) “The Driver” came back as a ghost and killed the religious family. Note: He does not die even when his truck burns into flames, but rather comes and attacks the girl. (Later, the truck was shown to be fully intact.)

3) “The Driver” then killed people who came to the rest stop.

4) Some of those people (including the girl in the closet) came back as ghosts. Note: The girl disappears along with the blood she vomited, within seconds after talking to the protagonist.

5) The religious family still exists as ghosts to preach their judgment of sinners. Note: they drive the van with the girl in it for a long time, and yet finally the girl is dropped just in front of the notice board, a point where she had started her journey. It’s they who take pictures of the future victims.

6) When Nicole is killed, she came back as a ghost at the end. Note: That is the reason the ranger does not see her, but the future victim hears her voice and sees her.

**Note:** The policeman is also ghost. There’s no human being on earth (including Arnold and Chuck Norris), who would be able to say, “You missed me” after about 40% of his skull and brains are blown out by a point blank shot. That is the same reason the girl does not see his remains when she climbs the roof.
IMDb’s forum also is a good place to visit to read and to discuss/pose questions.

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