I Have A Movie/ Story Series Idea, What Now?
Question by : I Have A Movie/ Story Series Idea, What Now?
So I’m 16 so just going to college so bare in mind i can still choose some helpful courses if this will better my chances. So I have this idea and through research have found i need to do a script, or write the story or a screenplay but i feel my idea is effect as a movie with the whole composition (Music, Drama, Action and Comedy) and i feel it will lose it’s effectiveness doing this.
I’m not big headed about my idea but i want the best possible answers so just think of my story as the new harry potter (I understand how that sounds but just go with it please), JK Rowling wrote her story, got it published and you know the rest so if my story is good enough and it gets seen and liked by enough people then that’s a winner right. I say this because I’m maybe not looking at a career but just a shot at my story becoming successful, I’m not a writer or a director but I know what makes a good movie and how much better original films are than the rest.
So my question(s)
1) Again any tips on courses that would help.
2) Can I Get My Idea written up into script/ book/ screenplay with some professional help if it can’t get by without?
3) Just any advice for me.
4) Just tell me the steps because i am new to this.
I’m a dreamer so go ahead and tell me how hard it is :).
Best answer:
Answer by John Crisp
Im going to put it simple to you.
you have 2 options, and both have the same outcome but it all depends on your first choice.
You say you’d like to get it known.
Ok write it.
write a book, or books.
Nearly every book on earth has been looked at by Hollywood. They try to get authors to sell rights to them.
There is no guarantee anyone on earth besides yourself will like your story.
So option 2
Write your script. Now there might be someone you can hire to write it for you, but dont count on it.
be very creative: A man walks into a room (BAD IDEA)…. A young man walks into a room with (lots of details on the person and the room like decorations and such). GOOD IDEA
Once you have this script done have someone other then your mother or father who will probably just be nice to you, look at it. If they like it, and maybe more then 1 person, then you might have something to work with.
Get it copyrighted. This can take time and money. If you dont, and you try to sell your script, someone might find it great, steal the idea, and you can cry till the end of time because no one will care.
Hire a Agent. This will cost something, dont know how much, might depend on the outcome of your deal with them.
THEY will try to get it looked at. No one wants to talk to you. No one cares what you write. Companies have their own writers.
Option 3
Make your own movie, take it to a film festival and try to see if anyone likes it and will buy it
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!