I have a plan to make it to become a famous actor and screenwriter. But I could use some tips and information?
Question by Amine A: I have a plan to make it to become a famous actor and screenwriter. But I could use some tips and information?
I have a plan to become a famous actor and screenwriter. here’s the plan I am at the moment writing two scripts. Both with great premises I believe and I have shared some of the script and premise with other writers and regular people. And they all like the premise of both story’s now I do not wish to share the premise of these script’s in fear of plagiarism. Now here’s what I want to do. I know the chances of a script being bought by a studio or someone big in hollywood and made into a movie are greater than just trying to become a famous actor. So what I want to do is once I finish the first script I plan to sell it to a studio or a powerful person in hollywood. But I have only two requests for when im selling the first script.1# I to be in the movie but only in a small cameo appearance kinda of like being an extra just to say a line or two.2# in the ending credits for the movie I want my picture to be shown under written by. My thinking is that after Im known in hollywood it will be a lot easier for me to become an actor since ill be known in hollywood. Then after some hard work and after i get a couple roles in other projects I plan to sell my next script with me attached to it for the first lead. Now that’s my plan in a nutshell. Im currently 17 years old and I hope to achieve this by my late twenty’s. Now I have a couple questions and I need some help.
1. What are my chances?
2.What is the best way to increase my chances?
3.Who are the best people in the industry to contact in order to get my script out there?
4.Are there any other steps I should take in order to achieve my goals?
5.Who should I meet and contact?
6.Where should I go?
7.What is the best way to prepare and have an edge over other writers?
And I could use any other shared advice, wisdom and experiences so pleese share all.
Best answer:
Answer by meat
To start with, a screenwriter is just a screenwriter. Once you finish your script, you sell it for money. There are no conditions to the sale, unless you’re Stephen King and you’re already a famous writer. You sell your work and move on.
1. Your chances are virtually nil of getting either request. Your chances of selling your script all depend on how professionally you present yourself and your product. Asking for parts and pictures isn’t professional.
2. The best way to increase the chances of selling your script is to get an agent or a manager.
3. The best people in the industry to contact are agents and managers. You can find both in the Hollywood Representation Directory, which is available on Amazon.
4. Register your screenplay at the WGA, build a query letter, find an agent or a manager to represent you. Turn 18; you can’t sign a contract until you’re of legal age.
5. See #4.
6. See #3.
7. Be a good writer with good representation. Nothing beats buzz.
If you want to be an actor, act. If you want to be a writer, write. Don’t try to mix the two unless you’re doing your own movie. In that case, do whatever you want. It worked for Kevin Smith until he decided to do Jersey Girl.
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