i have idea for a movie please help?
Question by Aram: i have idea for a movie please help?
its going to be animated i have the storyline, characters, songs that should be in it, but i cant draw, i cant write, should i tell someone my idea in hopes they would make it into a movie, should i do a patent so i dont lose my story without some sort of compensation? idk what to do
@akg: go rent Joe’s Apartment
@shadowknight: i have no movie making rescources whatso ever, i suppose i could just patent the story and try to find someone to make it, im wanting it to be made in the style the Studio Giblie movies are made in “howls moving castle”
Best answer:
Answer by akg
how about an animated story of roaches?
it seems that is the only creature that hasn’t had a staring role in a movie
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