I have wriiten a movie script, novel, and some songs. None are published but I want to know how to market.?

Question by sinceredollars2005: I have wriiten a movie script, novel, and some songs. None are published but I want to know how to market.?
I have written a movie script, a novel and I would like to know how to sell my movie script and publish my novel as well as my music. I also write songs. How please do i get them out and published and perhaps sold. I have no agent and no publisher and I am a firsttime writer. How do I sell my movie script and publish my songs and novel? Desperately seeking counsel please?

Best answer:

Answer by loryntoo
Get yourself a copy of Writers Market. This gives you all the basic rules and who is looking for what you are selling and how they want it to be submitted.

For a script, you’ll also want to check out www.finaldraft.com and possibly buy the workshop they have on DVD and their program. This will help you avoid some of the pitfalls new writers have. For instance, the right length for a feature film is 120 pages. For a TV movie, 80 pages. For a one hour TV episode, 40 pages.

I believe there’s also a book called the Songwriter’s Market, but I haven’t worked in that area yet.

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