i love to write scripts but have horrible grammar?
Question by opalglassman: i love to write scripts but have horrible grammar?
i have a great imagination. since i can remember i have always wanted to use it for films. problem is when i write i get so caught up in it its like i’m rambling the words are repeated and i fail to use punctuations most of the time i use many run on sentences. also i want to make movies but i figure i can write a couple of scripts first and maybe sell them and with the money i can afford to make a film. but i fear that when someone looks at my scripts they will see the errors and just not even take another look at it. i really do have these huge ideas. but when it comes to grammar oh man im not that good.
any advice. also im the kind of person that when i get an idea for a script i need to put it down if not i forget it..im the kind of guy that is always being told man you need to write that down….or how the hell did you come up with this??
any advice on what i should do about this and is this common for many people involved in filmmaking??
i mean im good with spelling and that but punctuation and stuff like that eeeekkk
Best answer:
Answer by Ananke
Personally I would just keep writing. When you’re done either make sure you run your copy through a spell check website or maybe even hire someone to proofread it for errors for you. Either way just make sure you edit it B4 sending it out to someone.
good luck
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