I met expressions of which I couldn’t understand the meanings.?

Question by Rika: I met expressions of which I couldn’t understand the meanings.?
I am Japanese woman. I love reading English books. When I was reading a book, I met expressions of which I couldn’t understand the meanings. In the book, a writer is selling his story to a motion-picture company. The president of the company was interested in the story, but he insisted that the story should be altered to make a box-office. He changed the title, the characters, and the situations. Although the story was about Spanish Inquisition, he insisted the setting should be changed too.
He said, “Fine. We will shoot in Vancouver. But no subtitles and we gotta update.” ←What does this sentence mean? What word is omitted after “update” ? Is it “setting”? Can I rephrase this as “But let’s not use any subtitles, we should arrange this story to suit modern taste” ?

By the way, why “But” is used in this line? Should subtitles be used if they shoot in Vancouver? In Vancouver they speak English, so, Im not sure but, I think there is no need to use subtitles. This script is about Spanish Inquisition, properly they should shoot in Spain. In this case I think that subtitles need to be used, because they speak Spanish there.

Could you tell me please?
Thank you for your illuminating explanation. I could gain proper understaning. It was great help to me.

Best answer:

Answer by Amaretta
The president of the company is showing his authority in the statement, “But no subtitles and we gotta update.” The “But” basically means that the film will be made the way the company president wants it made. Even though the story is about the Spanish Inquisition, it will be filmed in English (no Spanish subtitles) and will be updated to modern times. (And it will be filmed in Vancouver, which is cheaper than filming in Spain.) So he’s planning on making a modern movie using the Spanish inquisition theme. (I’m not sure how he’s going to do it, but old stories are adapted and updated all the time in the movies.)

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