I need a HTML CODE or script that I can use to create a box or something on my site (blogger or piczo) where?

Question by nahman80: I need a HTML CODE or script that I can use to create a box or something on my site (blogger or piczo) where?
I need a HTML CODE or script that I can use to create a box or something on my site (blogger or piczo) where people can post stuff that they want to sell and their contact NUMBER no login or any thing ((THANKS))

Best answer:

Answer by weedizzle
You can’t do this with pure html. Sorry. You will need some processing language. I prefer PHP, but some prefer ASP or even Cold Fusion. That part is a bit off topic, though.
The html would be something like this.

Your name
Your item
Your contact Number

The unfortunate part is unless you want to store people’s information in a flat file, you will need database access. If you are planning that much, you may want to get your own hosting.

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