I need to know a movie title?
Question by airgeek11: I need to know a movie title?
I need a movie title for class. I know the plot goes along the lines of two men flying in us military planes over a country where the country has military forces where they should not. The two men are shot down and crash land. The foreign military comes and finds one of the men unable to move because of his injuries and shoots him. The other soldier goes and hides in the forest and makes a noise so they know he’s there, but it’s an accident. He uses his radio to make contact with the naval base I think and they set him on a route that ends up taking him in a complete circle. He is followed by a sniper, lands in a pile of dead bodies, gets to his eject seat to get the cd with the proof of the military action in the foreign country. He ends up at a statue that you see in the beginning and the sniper finds him, they duke it out, the man’s military find him, he gets the cd, and that’s all I can remember. I would like to know what movie it is because we are going over film techniques and so I was thinking that this would be a great example.
Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Meaghan
Behind Enemy Lines (2001): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0159273/
“A Navy navigator is shot down over enemy territory and is ruthlessly pursued by a secret police enforcer and the opposing troops. Meanwhile his commanding officer goes against orders in an attempt to rescue him.”
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pidKTNCGbkk
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