I really want to make a custom Flipbook, however, all i am seeing is websites that make them from videos.?
Question by Ashley L: I really want to make a custom Flipbook, however, all i am seeing is websites that make them from videos.?
I need help finding a place that will make a Flipbook for me from already taken photos. Please help!!!!!! Its roughly 21 pictures. And my flipbook i mean the ones that make the pictures look like a movie because you flip them so fast. haha.
Best answer:
Answer by James Martin
You want to make flipbook from videos or photos?
If videos, you can have a look at 3D PageFlip for Video, this program can help to convert PDF files with embedding video feature. And you can also customize book style manually with your own design.
If photos, you can try Flip Image, the program can build flipbooks with pictures, with image optimize features.
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