icannot figure out the title of this movie!!!?
Question by chantal :)): icannot figure out the title of this movie!!!?
it is about a wife and her husband. they also have kids. the wife is watching tv one day and sees a contest so she enters the contest. she had to make up a jingle for a certain company. and she won. figuring out her talant she keeps entering in all different kinds of contests winning all sorts of prizing like bikes and i think a car. meanwhile her alcholic husband is gettting made fun of at work because he is no longer the sole provider for the family. toward the end of the movie she is just about to lose her house but enters into one more contest with a grand prize of just enough money to save the house. the movie is prolly set in about 1940… pllleeaaaasssseee help!! it is such a good movie i just cannot figure it out!!!
thank you!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Meaghan
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0406158/
“Kelly and Evelyn Ryan live in Defiance, Ohio with their 10 children. At first glance their life seems idyllic; they call each other “Mother” and “Father” and seem to dote on the kids. But Kelly was a garage-band crooner whose voice was ruined in an auto accident. He’s resigned to a dead-end factory job that barely pays the bills, and is given to fits of alcohol-induced rage. Evelyn, a stay-at-home wife and mother, deals with this abuse by appealing to her priest, who is no help at all. She deals with their poverty by entering the jingle contests that were the rage in the 50’s and early 60’s, even sending in multiple entries in the names of the children. She is very clever at it, winning more than her share of prizes, but her successes aren’t enough to keep the wolf from the door. Further, they trigger Kelly’s insecurities and he retreats deeper into the bottle, using food and mortgage money to support the habit. Can the loving, optimistic Evelyn hold the family together? Is she justified in placing her faith in the deeply-flawed Kelly? How will the children turn out? This underrated film provides an inspirational answer to these questions.”
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA7bs2Cbik8
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