Ideas for a movie on Julius Caeser?
Question by Alyssa: Ideas for a movie on Julius Caeser?
My friend and I are doing a movie for a project in English. We are reading the Tragedy of Julius Caesar for our project we are making a movie. We need some creative ways to do this movie. We have one idea already. During the part where they are murdering Caesar, we are gonna have the sound of them killing him but we’re gonna put something cute or funny on the screen that way we dont have to worry about special affects and fake blood and whatnot. So any ideas or suggestions are much appreciated. We only have a week and a half and we are only in 9th grade so it cant be an amazing out of this world film production. We want it to be awesome, but simple and easy enough for us to do it. Thanks! =D
Best answer:
Answer by ♥C♥C♥C♥
dont do many scenes, make it like a story being told with an occasional video explaining
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