Idea’s for a Sims Movie?
Question by Chibi-MaRa: Idea’s for a Sims Movie?
Okay, for my English Major we have to make a movie -_-
I’ve decided to make a movie using Sims 3 as it’s easy to film.
But I have no idea what the sims could be doing! The movie is only required to be 2-3 minutes long but I need some ideas as to what they could be doing….and it can be anything!!
Any suggestions?? 😀
Best answer:
Answer by Toadstool
Have them host a party right before they go to bed and then have the whole neighborhood lined up at the door waiting to party and go to bed lol i dunno…2-3 minutes..thats tough. You should do a fast forward film of you building a house or something if you can. hmmm.
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