If you had a movie night with people with diverse movie tastes what movies would you choose?

Question by : If you had a movie night with people with diverse movie tastes what movies would you choose?
It’s a 5-movie marathon. Imagine 3 or 5 of your closest friends/people you work with and hang out together from time to time and make a list of movies that would satisfy all of them, or you hope would satisfy all of them.

My group consisted of a person who likes independent festival movies, another likes action movies, one – weird movies that don’t even make it in the most independent festivals and the person who doesn’t like movies much.

1.Reservoir Dogs
2.Bad Education (Almodovar’s)
3.Sin City
4.Broken Flowers
5.The Dark Knight

Do you think my picks were good for them?

Best answer:

Answer by kristen
I think your list is pretty good! It is pretty eclectic and well rounded. I have seen all of those movies as well and they are all good!

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