I’m making a movie for school, but I need some suggestions?
Question by The Broken Doll: I’m making a movie for school, but I need some suggestions?
I’m making a movie out of different clips for a school project. So far the movies I’m using are
Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride
The Nightmare Before Christmas
what other movies would fit in with my theme? I can’t really think of any, and I’m stuck.
I’m trying to use movies with those puppets in them, and they need to be musicals.
My theme is actually romance. Both of those movies have it in them, with Sally and Jack for nightmare, and Victor, Victoria, and The Corpse Bride in The Corpse Bride
Best answer:
Answer by Jody
What is your theme? Death?
Have you considered the muppet films? I know they will clash with your other two choices, but the romantic/stalker dynamic between Kermit and Ms. Piggy is interesting.
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