Important Tricks That Make A Website Sell
Important Tricks That Make A Website Sell
Create Hope
Thousands of people search every day for “hope”.Thats a fact we cant ignore, people buy money-making e-books, diet e-books, how-to-gamble e-books, and many more based on hope.The majority of these people will not put these e-books into action whatsoever.But they have it in their head that if they buy a certain e-book, they will learn a secret that will change their life.And once they finish the book, “if they even read it” they dont put it into action because they ultimately find out it takes too much work and time.Then a month later, they are searching on the internet for the same thing.They gobble up these e-books like there is no tomorrow.
So, invoking hope is the first of many other aspects to make a killer website that sells.And you can give people hope in many ways, with many different products, but i find it
most effective with informational products, because somehow you can get away with practically promising the world, and then under-delivering. You are basically telling people what they want to hear.Yet hope itself doesnt sell things.There are other things to add to the puzzle.
Cause A Sense Of Urgency
Another aspect of a killer website that sells is giving people a sense of urgency.Surely you see products for sale that say something like “order by midnight toningt and receive a discount”.But its most likely to see the same thing there if you
go back to that page the next day.There are buyers that even consider that, but do they really want to risk the discount not beeing there the next day?.Possibly they will not want to risk waiting and missing out on the deal.
Here my advice is, instead of doing a by midnight html
script that is easily spotted as a fake by most net savvy people, try making a real dealine of say the last day of the month or two weeks from now, hardcore it into site.After it passes, you can always make a new deadline.Another trick is to say only 100 members are being accepted, or something to that effect, and then have an image of 100 crossed out, and a number such as 70 next to it
Appear As An Authority
Authority can be considered as another aspect of a site that sells.No matter what you are selling, you must appear to be an expert on the subject.As they say, appearances are everything.Why would i want to buy a gambling e-book from a guy that shows evidence that he won 0 at a card game one time? Big deal. You want the e-book from the guy who won million
at gambling. An advance technique is to appear as an unbiased
authority.if you can come across as someone who is trying to help , and doesnt really benefit from a sale of the products listed on your site, you are another step ahead of the game.People like to follow the advice of independent reviewers who are just giving their honest opinion of a product.
Appear Unbiased
The fourth aspect of a website that sells is to appear as an unbiased 3rd party.You can review products as if you are trying
to help people make informed decisions without looking like you are affiliated with them.
Encourage Fear
The fifth aspect of a killer site that sells is causing fear. You can actually instill fear into your visitors, by making them believe that they will face problems ahead if they buy a similar product elsewhere, and if they dont buy yours.But how to do this? Maybe:”Get
rich quick scams revealed..”. Then write an article about many occurences of get rich quick fraud.Then after your article, you could say that throughout your comprehensive research, you came across a couple of money making programs that people were repeatedly happy with.You even spoke to the owners of the programs you recommend and found them to be very honest and straightforward.
Be Very Unusual
if you are selling your own product, you may not be able to use the scam or fear aspects.But the authority and urgency aspects will still work. in addition you need to use unusual aspect.This means telling people not to buy your product. Thats right, encourage people not to buy your product untill they have tried your competitors’ products and are unsatisfied with them, as you know they will be.Even if your product is not as good as your
competitors’, it costs more, etc., just using the unusual approach of telling people not to buy your product will work. By convincing them that you want them to go ahead and buy other products that you know will fail them, you authomatically earn a sort of loyalty, because you appear that you are not just interested in a sale.
These are some basic aspects from my viewpoint that are beyond necessity for all websites that are intended for selling products. And of course there are more aspects to be considered by webmasters, marketers, etc., that , according to their viewpoint or niche, are more usefull or profitable.Last but not least one will develop their own ways/aspects over time, this is a time-consuming process.Do whatever you can then wait patiently. Patience is the cure!
Online Marketing since the very beginning of his high school years, for almost 10 years.
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