Is it possible for a Perfectionist to ever be Content?
Question by Kingdiana Jones: Is it possible for a Perfectionist to ever be Content?
I’ve always strived for the best and become very tenatious in doing so, started off by Writing scripts, short stories, poems and other works of literature as well as taking up Photography as a hobby, I’ve had family and friends saying how some of my stuff is good and that I should try to sell it but as hard as I try I think, “Yep, but it could be better.” or “I should have done that differently.”
Heres another example, for ten years or so I have been in awe of and admired a very successful supermodel who during her modelling career has always remained classy and never opted to expose herself, she had a successful stint on mtv as a host, been in a relationship with a leading Hollywood man and it was last week I was fortunate enough to not only meet Lisa but to get a photo with us together which is more than I ever thought would be possible – now I look back at the picture and think the person taking the photo could have slightly centred the camera more, and now I’m considering getting another photo taken.
Theres a few other things that have happened recently like getting a very famous television star to sign two boxsets of the show he starred in etc.
Am just wondering if this will ever end, or like in the ever so sagacious words of Sheryl Crow’s 2002 hit Soak Up The Sun:
“It’s not having what you want It’s wanting what you’ve got.”
Is there anyone else who feels the same? Or had similar experiences?
Best answer:
Answer by christina
Maybe just by accepting everything as perfect already.
Maybe imperfection is perfect cause perfect things would be boring.
I don’t think anyone even knows what perfect is, I don’t believe it’s something that is aligned just the right way or has absolutely no flaw, it’s about being absolutely desired.
I think you should just take things as it is
Just think and think of a lot of different possibilities and do things
I really don’t know
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