Is there any PHP Scripts where I can store like software licensces and like a software where they have to ent?
Question by Dominic: Is there any PHP Scripts where I can store like software licensces and like a software where they have to ent?
where they have to enter the license code and when they enter it on the software it verifies rather its correct or not?
Best answer:
Answer by SSE
If you’re verifying your own license codes, you won’t be able to use anyone else’s script. The basic idea of a license code is that it is generated using a certain algorithm that no one else knows. If someone knew how to validate your licenses, they could make their own. In order to do this, you just need to design an algorithm to generate random license codes which you can then distribute. In most cases, you should simply be able to reverse the algorithm and be able to verify whether the code is valid or not.
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