I’ve had a real dose of nostalgia and was thinking of a new live action Pokemon movie.?
Question by : I’ve had a real dose of nostalgia and was thinking of a new live action Pokemon movie.?
I’m surprised there hasn’t been more talk of it happening, particularly after Avatar and Clash of the Titans paving the way for anything to seem more than possible. Imagine it in 3-D!! Anyway, it looks like forums on the subject are generally in agreement in Taylor Lautner as Brock, couldn’t agree more. I was thinking of Shia LaBeouf as Ash but he’s probably too old now and surely wants to deviate as far away from anything resembling Transformers after its car-crash sequel. I think, considering his age in the show, a new unknown actor would be cast in the part. As for Misty, Dakota Fanning would be perfect, and the prediction I’m most proud of….It has to be George Clooney for Professer Oak! 😛
Any thoughts? Who should direct? Sam Raimi seems perfect (Just please not Michael Bay) Any ideas on a good story arc? Please reply, maybe with enough lobbying we can get this thing made, the current productive climate in Hollywood will only make it more inevitable!
Best answer:
Answer by stephen k
I think you had a dose of the dog’s medicine.
The real problem is that I have yet to see an anime made into a decent film. It always seems to turn into Squirtle poop.
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