Jobs in Graphic Design
Jobs in Graphic Design
One of the most progressive and the demanded career field in today’s world is computers. Anything and everything related to computers has formed a career option in itself and is creating jobs for millions. The people related to the field of computers need to keep themselves updated about the latest advancements so as to learn and implement the same in their work profile.
Internet came after the invention of computers and has certainly made the lives of the common man easy. There are different Job profiles based on internet, but the ones who actually design and form the basis on which these sites work are called animators and the web designers.
The Job of an animator is very creative and
involves a lot of hard work to produce the best of the results. A lot of thinking process is involved in designing and their execution. Graphic Designer Job and animators are interdependent, as the designer designs and the animator gives special effects to the design. The animator’ job is to make the design look real, appealing and influential. The ideas are produced by the creative directors and brought into life by the animators and the designers. These days, there are proper animation and designing courses, doing after which the candidate can apply for a job in animation. The different designing and animation software, which a candidate must know for doing the job of an animator and
a designer, are:
a) Graphic Design – Adobe Photoshop CS 2, Corel Draw, Macromedia freehand , Adobe Indesign , Adobe Pagemaker,Adobe illustrator.
b) 2d Animation- Macromedia Flash Mx, Swish.
c) 3d Animation- Maya, 3d Studio Max.
d) Audio-Video Editing & Multimedia Authoring – Soundforge , Cool Edit Pro ,Goldwave, Adobe Premiere Pro, Macromedia Director, Pinnacle Studio, Final Cut Pro.
e) Special Effects: Adobe after Effects, Spin panorama, Elastic Reality.
All these software are required to be known by the candidates who aim for a career in designing and animation. Though designing and animation are generally taken as different career forms, but people in these fields generally tend to have learnt almost all these softwares. The animators need to have very good thinking power
and must have great drawing skills so that he is able to put ideas into practise. The job responsibilities and qualities possessed by an animator can be summed up as follows:
1.) An animator needs to develop, draw and create the different characters of the animation movie, film, or advertisement.
2.) Animator is a part of the creative team so he should be able to give ideas on different subjects and must possess great thinking power.
3.) Team work is the most important thing, when the job of a person involves group discussion and involvement and of a number of a people for the production of a single output.
4.) An animator is requisite to have good understanding of his client and must be able to satisfy their demands and requirements, so that to crack good business deals for the company.
5.) Good communication
and presentation skills are a must for the job of an animator, because he needs to personally handle the projects and understand the requirements of the clients.
6.) Those at managerial positions should possess the capability to lead the team and to motivate them to give their best in the tasks assigned.
The development in different fields, have lead to an increase in the demand of jobs in the field of animation. Especially children find it very fascination to see animated movies, due to which the production of animated movies, games, videos, films, advertisements, have risen.
Not only children, but the use of animation can also be seen in Bollywood movies and day- to- day advertisements. Animation techniques are highly used to give special effects to the movie and other different productions. The pay packages in the job of an animator are also very
fascinating and more and more students these days are seen getting attracted towards the field of animation and adapting it as their career forms.
Gurleen writes on behalf of the no.1 Job Portal in India.She writes on topics like Marketing Jobs in India, Accounting Jobs and increasing work concentration. is a recruitment platform & provides products and services like resume writing services, Salary Tool, Resume Database Access & Response Management tools to corporate world, placement agencies and job seekers in India and overseas.
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