Lastest Make A Movie Script News

2009-12-01-to-04, multiframe OMPD
make a movie script
Image by Inha Leex Hale
timelapse screencast. one frame every 20 seconds. script to capture screen is here:…

2009-12-01 to 2009-12-04. OMPD
test of multi frame script.

the idea is to do a six panel verions of this for 6 months of timelapse movies…

this is am easy script that does it from directories of images.
is there an easy way to write something that will take any 4 movies and combine them into a 2×2 array? or any number into an array?

#Script to make multi frame movies.
#montage -geometry 576×360 2009-12-01/screen0001.jpg 2009-12-02/screen0001.jpg 2009-12-03/screen0001.jpg 2009-12-04/screen0001.jpg 4panel.jpg

#choose four directories.

for f in $DA/*.jpg; do
let "counter+=1"
montage -geometry 576×360 ${DA}/$foo ${DB}/$foo ${DC}/$foo ${DD}/$foo test1/4panel${counter:1}.jpg

cd test1
ffmpeg -r 20 -b 5000 -i 4panel%04d.jpg ~/Movies/AUTOUPLOAD/4panel-test.mp4

Eastwood ponders mortality with ‘Hereafter’
The prolific director, who entered a career peak in his 70s with such films as “Million Dollar Baby” and “Mystic River,” said he aims to keep working as long as he’s able.
Read more on MSNBC

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