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NEWS: Nintendo World 2011 Eyes-On Impressions
Update: Now with five more video descriptions. Every non-playable 3DS game seen at the show, right here in one place. Oh, and Zelda. Aside from the 15 playable demos available at Nintendo World 2011, there was a whole bunch set aside at a special viewing wall. Here, event goers could peek through a small window to watch a short in-game movie displayed in 3D on a Nintendo 3DS unit. read more…
Read more on Nintendo World Report

Thousands flock to Nintendo 3DS world premiere
CHIBA (Japan) – THOUSANDS of game fans flocked to an exhibition hall near Tokyo on Saturday as Nintendo let the general public try its 3D-capable DS console for the first time. The new-generation DS machine – which allows users to play 3D games without special glasses – missed the Christmas season but will be released on Feb 26 in Japan and in March in the United States, Europe and Australia.
Read more on Straits Times

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