Lost Your Guitar Tuner? – Here is some free software/websites that can help you out!

I felt like making a video to share with you guys some info on software and websites that can help you tune your guitar. My friend lost my guitar tuner and I’ve been using these programs as a replacement. Replacement friend needed. Websites: www.gieson.com www.howtotuneaguitar.org www.hotfrets.com Software: www.guitar.sk www.sofotex.com Guitar Pro 5 (This isn’t free but it comes with a trial version): www.guitar-pro.com Please comment or message me if you have any questions or video suggestions. Subscribe and rate if you like it!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

After 4 months of not even touching this video, I realised I was never going to get it finished due to a massive lack of motivation. However, it is at least complete enough to cover the details of the circuits used in my Custom StepMania Lights, which you can then build into any cabinet you like, which I suppose is what most people who asked me for a tutorial actually wanted. Please watch in HD to be able to see more in the detailed illustrations. Sorry in advance for the sucky quality of the photos though – I didn’t have my HD camcorder when I started making this video, so I just used my PSP’s camera. My lights are designed to work with my own freeware program “StepMania Player”, which you can get here: robbi-985.homeip.net As well as playing simfiles by itself, my program can also be used to control the lights while you play StepMania, each light being triggered by your keypresses in-game. When configured correctly, StepMania version “3.9 Plus” can also control the lights directly. However, as you see in the video, it flashes all 4 bulb together, not separately. In the video, the leftmost bulb doesn’t light up because a motor is connected inside the box, in place of the bulb (I like messing around). I hope this is at least of some use to someone. Sorry that I never finished it, but I’m releasing it now having started working on it over a year ago, which is just ridiculous considering how little material there actually is in it.

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