Love Language: The Original Short Film & Fundraiser
Tweet: There are moments in life when we feel a connection so deep words can hardly describe it. But how do we know that it’s real? This is the story of a boy who meets a girl and falls in love. (Please do not continue reading until after you watch the video!) The Jubilee Project makes films for good causes. This film was produced to raise awareness and support for the American Society for Deaf Children. There are two ways that you can support this cause: 1. Go to to buy the soundtrack for this video, “Peaches” by New Heights. You can also donate directly to the cause at this site. 2. Sign up to become a sponsor of this video. Each sponsor will be asked to donate 1 penny for each view this video receives in November. So if the video is watched 1000 times this month, sponsors will each donate 10 dollars. You can sign up to become a sponsor by emailing All proceeds will go to the American Society for Deaf Children. The American Society for Deaf Children is a non-profit organization started in 1967 that supports and educates families of deaf and hard of hearing children and advocates for high quality programs and services.