Making a movie – need title? (10 points best answer)?
Question by Danny K: Making a movie – need title? (10 points best answer)?
the movie is about a girl who has a multiple personality disorder, and it strengthens as time passes. Her mother commits suicide a a year or 2 before the movie, and ever since then she’s been shooting herself with heroine, taking drugs like cocaine and cannabis, and drinking alcohol, ALOT. Her boyfriend follows her one night as she walks on the beach, she’s overdosed. She slaps him, he has some anger management problem and pushes her, she hits her head on a rock and goes into a comma, but her boyfriend (out of panic and anxiety) thinks he killed her, calls his friend, they call an ambulance and leave her there, making sure nothing else happens to her. A few weeks later she wakes up, with short term memory loss, forgetting what happened that night. But as she continues with her life, she has flashbacks of that night. One day her and her boyfriend are starting to hug, then she has the final flashback of him pushing her and everything. SHe has a knife next to her (she’s either in the kitchen, or since she harms herself, she could be in her bedroom or something) and the film finishes as she grabs it. The opening scene of the film will be the ending, she’s in the bathtub with her clothes on, sitting with blood on her hands, the shower is on and the camera follows the blood trail down to the drain or whatever. So basically when she kills her boyfriend, its not actually her, its her other persona. (since she has a split personality) and when her persona 1 finds out what she’s done, she goes completely crazy/mental and can never forgive herself. Now, i need a title xD any suggestions? oh and what do you think of the plot? lol
btw rhis is homework for my Media class, im only 14 its not like im making a hollywood blockbuster film, the only people who will see this will probably be my next headmaster at a school and my current teacher.
Best answer:
Answer by Stina
I like the plot, sounds like something i’d watch.
How about “The Dissociative Mind” or “The Dissociative”
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