Making Money at Home Even in a Slow Economy
Making Money at Home Even in a Slow Economy
Worries about a slow economy? Mystery shoppers still make money at home- significant money. What is mystery shopping? Let’s start with what it isn’t. It is not a job that will make you a super gazillionaire. It isn’t a normal nine to five where you are confined to one area for a specified amount of time. It isn’t job that can be done completely from the comfort of home in pajamas. Some if it can be done in p.j’s but most parts of a mystery shopping job is done on-site. Even though the economy is slow, companies still need evaluating and that is where a mystery shopper comes in.
What is mystery shopping? It is freedom. You choose which jobs you want to do and which you don’t want to do. It is entertainment. You get paid to do fun stuff like eating out and watching movies. It is flexibility, it works with your schedule. It is cha-ching.