Making Money With Videos


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example if you want to advertise on TV you have to first go to a advertising agency who would then make the advert, and then you would have to pay for your advert to get air time on TV and the effectiveness of this ad depended on whether you were able to get it screen at a prime time when many people were watching TV however this would mean that it would be more expensive. Online video advertising is much easier and cheaper because you can opt to go to a advertising agency if you want a real quality ad, but you can still do it on your own in a very hands on straight forward approach it does have to be too fancy and you can make it as long as you want and so you don’t have time limits like you have in TV advertising, it is also cheap because you don’t pay to have it posted on the net, plus the advert is going to be there all the time and so people can watch it at any time

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