Making out with my boyfriend I need tips or a guide HELP?
Question by Taylor B: Making out with my boyfriend I need tips or a guide HELP?
Ok me and my boyfriend have been going out for a month and he is like an expert on making out and i stilll haven’t had my first kiss but i want it with him .Last nite we went to the movies and he pulled a move so I gave him a peck but i know it wasn’t enough and i don’t want to embariss myself by making out wrong so please help me!!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by path
Make sure your lips are soft and moist… no dry or chappy lips, and no icky lipgloss either. Don’t get all slobbery either, just explore his mouth with your lips and tongue, even teeth (gently). It’ll come naturally. You can run your wet tongue over his lips, press your lips on his, suck on ’em or his tongue… go with the flow.
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