Master the Art of Appointment Making and Master the Art of Selling


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and their colleagues. Build credibility and trust with honest talk about you, your company, and your product lines. Don’t bother to stroke customers with your “perfect” profile. We all know you ain’t perfect, so don’t try to make anyone think you are! They’ll see right through you, so don’t sell yourself – and your prospective customer – short!

Learn as much as you can about your prospect’s business, concerns, shipping volumes, warehousing issues, and service problems. Be honest with your questions. If the customer has competitive products, don’t ask left-handed questions to try and draw out complaints about the competition. Don’t try to ingratiate yourself with a prospective customer by bad-mouthing competitors; it never works. Be supportive of your competitors, but do it in very general terms. You don’t want to trap yourself by

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