Misuse of internet why
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Misuse of internet why
However, if not used for constructive purpose, this immensely useful technology can also backfire. As children Internet use grew exponentially in the last decade, with it emerged a number of correspondent expectations. Among them were the following: (1) that gender predicts usage, i.e., that boys spend more time online, surfing the web and playing violent games, while girls chat or shop online; (2) That Internet use causes social isolation and depression, especially for teens; and (3) That children misuse the Internet for anonymous identity experimentation. Our research focuses on the misuse of internet by school children. Hypothesis: This study reports the analysis of the misuse of internet among children and how it may affect their education, health and career. Problem: try to stop or cut down the misuse among children by using filtering
software, by educating the parents and telling them to monitor their children and keep a check of the websites visited by their children. Method: when we were assigned the report, we were told to select a topic of our own choice and get it approved by our course instructor. We listed 4 topics and showed them to our teacher and she advised us to work on “misuse of internet among school children”. We then discussed this topic with the teacher and with friends and took their comments ad then we made a survey form which was to be filled by our target population. The survey form was checked and approved by our teacher and we then started getting them filled by school children of class 8th, 9th ad 10th. We visited 3 different use schools and got our forms filled. Findings: through the findings of our research, we can say that girls are less prone to internet as compared to boys.
The extent to which both genders misuse internet is more in boys. Secondly, the research suggests that girls are less addicted to internet than boys. BACKGROUND Internet has emerged as an essential media channel for personal communications, academic research, information exchange, and entertainment. While the positive aspects are renowned, concerns continue to mount regarding problematic Internet usage behaviors. ~ 2 ~ The internet is an exciting technological advancement that is becoming very common now days because it is on of the fastest ways of getting information. People of different status and age group use the net in various ways. It is used commonly for business information exchange, education and communication. The extent of use of the net in everyday life has become so common that it is now an integral part of our lives. As the internet is being
increasingly used as an education and information resource, parents have to decide how to make it a safe place for their children. Pornography, violence, obscenity and hatred lurk in unexpected places, and innocent children stumble upon them all too frequently. It is not the problem of parents and their children only, but employees viewing and trading pornographic, offensive or otherwise unproductive material has also emerged as a key concern of many business managers. Not only are these activities wasteful of time and resources in themselves, they may also involve the employer in legal issues. The ease of access and distribution of these materials makes these issues all too common in daily business. LITERATURE REVIEW There are many misuses of internet faced by us in our daily life. Some of them are most common amongst school children include: Hacking: breaking
into computer systems. Instant Messaging: a type of communications service that enables you to create a kind of private chat room with another individual in order to communicate in real time over the Internet. Porn: A slang term used to describe e-mail spam specifically of adult content or of a pornographic nature. Sites containing profane and vulgar language, expletives, revealing attire, adult situations, criminal activity, nudity and any other subjects generally considered inappropriate for children. Viruses/Malicious codes: Malicious code is the term used to describe any code in any part of a software system or script that is intended to cause undesired effects, security breaches or damage to a system. It is a security terms that includes attack scripts, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, backdoors, and malicious active content. Cyber Bullying: Slang term used to
describe online harassment, which can be in the form of flames, comments made in chat rooms, the sending of offensive or cruel e-mail, or even harassing others by posting on blogs, Web pages or social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook or MySpace. Unlike physical bullying, cyber bullying can often be difficult to track as the cyber bully — the person responsible for the acts of cyber bullying — can remain anonymous when threatening others online Gambling: Sites that promote or practice gambling involving the use of actual money, illegally or otherwise, in the form of online casinos, lotteries, or sports betting. Drug/Alcohol Abuse: Sites encouraging or glamorizing the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs, instructions for manufacturing illegal substances, references to drug paraphernalia, “drug culture”, and promoting/selling alcohol and/or tobacco to minors. ~
3 ~ A research on the same topic as ours was conducted by Nimra Amjad. The summary of her findings is stated below (Source: dawn newspaper April 26, 2003) Statistics for the year 2000 available on the internet reveal that only 4.5 persons per 1000 people in Pakistan use internet compared with 45 in India, 14.5 in Iran, 10.5 in Sri Lanka and 6.5 in Nepal. In a survey she conducted in Karachi last year, it was found that: • 86 per cent of the children surveyed said they have computers at their homes. • 93 per cent of parents questioned said they want to monitor children over the internet. • None of the respondents is using any filtering software. • 75 per cent respondents are willing pay extra amount for web filtering through ISPs It was further disclosed in the survey that the four most common activities performed by children online are: – Emails, Chatting,
Downloading songs, Searching for cracking tools. We choose the topic “misuse of internet” in order to make people aware about the misuse of internet in their surroundings. Internet is a global network which is used by everyone. Especially kids are exposed to material that is inappropriate for them. There are some Sites and filtering software currently available to prevent unsupervised children use of unsuitable information available on the net. We want to put this issue in front of all, specially the parents, so that they can monitor their children. As the internet is being increasingly used as an education and information resource, parents have to decide how to make it a safe place for their children. Pornography, violence, obscenity and hatred lurk in unexpected places, and innocent children stumble upon them all too frequently. It is not the problem of parents and
their children only, but employees viewing and trading pornographic, offensive or otherwise unproductive material has also emerged as a key concern of many business managers. Not only are these activities wasteful of time and resources in themselves, they may also involve the employer in legal issues. The ease of access and distribution of these materials makes these issues all too common in daily business. The filtering should be made compulsory in schools, colleges and other educational institutes so that the students only use internet solely for the educational purpose. It is more effective to block unhealthy activities from the server end as it’s more secure and people cannot bypass it easily. For this purpose, family friendly ISPs need to join hands. METHOD a. Subjects: ~ 4 ~ The research was conducted on school children of class 8th 9th and 10th aged between 14
and 16. b. Procedure: Our research had a sample size of 40 students; 20 of them were girls and 20 were boys. Their age as mentioned below, was between 14 and 16 years and they were students of secondary classes. We tried to collect as authentic information from them as we could but there were some extraneous variables which could not be controlled by us. For example, some students were in a hurry as they had to catch their school vans, some of them were not in a good mood because they had a bad test in their class, some had test after 20 minutes so they were stressed about it. Variables such as these might have affected their filling of the questionnaire with the accurate information. c. Statistical evaluation: The statistical analysis of our research findings is done by using simple average and percentage method. We have totaled the answers of all our questionnaires
and showed them in the form of bar graphs. These bar .graphs show the results in a more clear form and also show the comparison of internet misuse among boys and girls. RESULTS QUESTION 1: ~ 5 public computer network that provides the communication infrastructure for applications such as e-mail, the World Wide Web, and FTP. The Internet is not one individual network, but an interconnected system of smaller networks using common protocols to pass packets of information from one computer to another. Early work on the Internet began in the 1960s at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), in the USA. It was based on theories of packet switching, particularly those of Leonard Kleinrock. In 1967 work by Lawrence Roberts, Vinton Cerf, and Bob Kahn led to the publishing of plans for the ARPANET network. They were put into practice in 1969, when the ARPANET was used to connect
four university computers. In 1972 the ARPANET had its first public demonstration at the International Computer Communication Conference. In the same year, Ray Tomlinson designed the first application for this new network: e-mail. The ARPANET had used a protocol called NCP, but it had compatibility problems. Engineers needed to design protocols that could meet the needs of an open-architecture network. Roberts and Cerf then led the team that created the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), which swiftly became the standard Internet protocol. In 1983 the ARPANET switched from using NCP to TCP/IP, and the network was separated into military (MILNET) and non-military systems. By 1985 the Internet was well established among scientific researchers and developers, and was beginning to be used for daily computer communications. By the early 1990s, access had
become cheap enough for domestic users to have their own links on home personal computers. The impact of the Internet on the economy has been huge. In 2002 Internet-related activities accounted for nearly 10 million jobs. By 2006, it was estimated that there were more than 1 billion Internet users worldwide. A report published in November 2003 by Nielson NetRatings found that that US Internet users in the over-65 age group accounted for the largest increase in Internet use. Women in this age group increased their Web use by 30% on the previous year, and men by 20%. In 1999 Internet2 became operational, running on a second network, Abilene, operated by private contractors and providing a high-speed data communications system for 205 US research universities, enabling them to bypass the congestion on the Internet. DISCUSSION According our report: · 52% of
girls perceive chat from the word INTERNT and 60% of males perceive surfing from it. · 35% boys download (songs, movies, games) where as 43% girls visit social networks · 63% of student check mark their behavior that they stay online longer than originally intended. · 76% of students don’t inform their parent when they chat with a stranger. · 60% of the males met with the person whom they didn’t know personally where as 55% of female didn’t met and wont if they ever get chance. · 30% of the boys said they do share their personal photos with anyone. · 62% boys said they chat with anyone available online, while 48% of the girls said they chat with friends only. · 60% of the boys spend more than 1 hr where as 62% of girls spend less than 1 hr on net. · 73% of the parents don’t ask about what their children do on the internet, or don’t keep a check on
their visited web pages. · 62% girls said it doesn’t matter if they don’t get access to internet a day but 45% boys go to friend’s place to use internet. Our research shows that males misuse internet more than females. While conducting interview we asked teachers about student performance. They said girls are getting good scores than boys. Most of the boys have problems like uncompleted assignments, more absences than girls and etc. As our survey shows that 60% of boys spend more than 1 hr on net so internet is effecting badly the studies of students especially boys. ~ 10 ~ On comparing our report with others we find out the same abuses of internet mentioned in our report and many other reports high light that most of the misuse of internet is done by males .our results shows the same thing. LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The sample size for our research was 41 subjects, which
is of course a very small sample size. We cannot say that this research is reliable because the results are only based on 41 subjects. There might be flaws in overall results due to this limitation In relation to the internet, we need a shared culture of responsibilities with families, government ad organizations all playing their part to reduce the availability of potentially harmful material, restrict access to it by children and to increase children’s resilience. We would like to make some suggestions for the government and for the parents which may help in controlling the misuse of Internet by children. For the Government: 1. The Government should ensure that e-safety best practice is well reflected in guidance and exemplar case studies across the curriculum as part of the support being provided to help schools to implement the new curriculum. 2. We also recommend that
the independent review of the primary curriculum should be done which must take full notice of e-safety issues. 3. The TDA should take steps to ensure that new teachers entering the profession are equipped with e-safety knowledge and skills. 4. The Government should encourage school owners and teachers to focus on e-safety by identifying it as a national priority for continuous professional development of teachers and the wider school workforce That in all schools, action must be taken at a whole-school level to ensure that e-safety is mainstreamed throughout the school’s teaching, learning and other practices. For parents: 1. It is important for parents to educate them-selves about this technology and the myriad opportunities for fun and learning that it offers. Just as there are different television programs and different kinds of magazines some appropriate for kids of
certain ages and some not appropriate for kids at all —there are many types of places to visit in cyberspace. Spending time online with your child is one of the best ways to monitor them and teach them what is right and what is wrong. This will help a lot in cutting down internet crimes and misuse. 2. Ask children to share their favorite Web sites and what they like about them. Help them discover Websites that can help them with their homework, hobbies, and other special interests. Doing this will help you make your children use the internet for the good purposes and will save them from misusing it. 3. Consider locating your home computer in a family area where use can be shared and monitored. Teach your children “netiquette” how to behave online. ~ 11 ~ 4. Just as you teach your child rules about dealing with strangers outside the home, you must provide
rules for communicating online. Teaching your children about the basic rules and making them aware of the hazards can help in keeping them away from misusing the internet. Since there is no limit on use of internet, it frequently exposes kids to material that is inappropriate for them. Site and content web filtering is currently the best way to prevent unsupervised children to the unsuitable information available on the net.
drizharnium@gmail.com, Bangalore India
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