Movie FAQ
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Movie FAQ
Am I competent to study Twilight or New Moon online for free?
I cannot find a website that actually has it!… run to they have it its cut in partly though and the first 5 minutes their heads are kinda cut of some, but other than that its honourable. i watched it earlier after seeing it…
Am I going to look resembling a loser doing this.?
So my friends backed out of going to the midnight premeir with me to New Moon. But I didnt wanna debris the money and just not go i miserable im really excited. But is it weird that Im going by myself now? haha Lots of associates go to movies by…
Am I the individual one excited for the movie 2012 to come out?
It seems like that since when I notify my friends they really don’t
care for the movie. I understand, yes, it’s not Oscar-worthy and nearby is no plot/character/yadda yadda, but I’m just so intrigued by the MASS DESTRUCTION! What happened to watching movies for the fun…
Am I the individual one that didn’t similar to Star Trek (2009)?
I stopped halfway (I think even smaller number than that). It just had too much annoying CGI that give me headaches, confusing parts that only Star Trek fan will get (wasn’t it a film even for non-Star Trek fan to enjoy?) and the guy that played Kirk…
Am i the individual one who didnt resembling spanking new moon?
everyone seems to love it, but i think the movie be all wrong! anyone agree? ive been a enthusiast of twilight years before the movie, and thats prob why. i just dont reflect they do a good job on the movies :/ Yes you are the only
one! LOL…
Am I the lone creature who really effing hate the Twilight Saga?
God I wish everyone would get over it. i never like twilight or harry potter WTF is up beside those movie’s.. I never like teen movies where they are staring childish teen’s in it i like movie beside old actor close to will smith bruce willies tom cruse…
Am i the lone one who think Caius within the movie is freaking hot??!?!?!?!?
I mean, his long shiny blonde hair, and his evil look… ummm, he’s played by an player named :Jamie Campbell Bower and people reckon hes gay! so is he hot or is he not?!?! I think he looks good as Caius, however I don’t…
Am I the merely one who hate censorship of music and movies?
I don’t know about others, but I cannot stand watching a movie on cable or local channels.
All the humor is cut out surrounded by an attempt to make it more family-oriented. I don’t hate children, but why try to get a movie that is not for kids…
Am I the one and only minor surrounded by the world who have never see Twilight?
It looks like complete s*** but everyone is obsessed beside it? Twilight is the worst book ever written and the movie is even worse. I would hope you are not the only one who has not see it, lots of hype, probably a crappy…
Am i the solitary creature that believes that the movie Twilight…?
Am i the only person that believes that the movie Twilight totally ruined accounts? I read all the books formerly the movie came out, i loved the books so much, but after the movie came out and ruined it all! the movies and books suck. they create girls into…
Am I
too elderly to be excited in the order of these two movies that are coming out within the practical adjectives?
The Princess and the Frog and Tim Burton’s adaptation of Alice in Wonderland? I really want to see these and here hasn’t been a movie I was really key up for since Sweeney Todd. But … I’m…
American Mall fan simply! Do you deduce Nina Dobrev (ally) be a moral singer contained by American precinct?
I don’t think she’s very apt but i want another opinion. Visit the link: I intuitively do not think so. Her voice in that movie sounds nil like her. She is much better at singing in the movie,…
An aged and forgotten full-grown show?
Okay, my girlfriend recently became interested within adult film but we don’t want to start out beside anything
hardcore. I remember a movie from several years ago (late 90s early 2000’s maybe) where the plot focused on a couple who have become involved with a network where on earth they were payed to have…
An ripened b/w short picture in the region of a girl within city near constant precipitation, no sun. Anyone remember the pet name?
End of the film, the sun comes out. This is from quite a few years spinal column. . Annie … ? not quite sure… All Summer in a Day, it’s contained by color though. …
An theory for a short motion picture 5-7 minutes long?
I need help creating a short picture 5 7 minutes long for coursework, last year i made a basic drug show which didnt turn out the best which is why I am asking for help now. The motion picture needs to fall below a film style, i like the thought…
/>And aother movie that be my long time favorit?
where the devil was a girl and the guy sold his soul..and she give him threee wish’s but she messed with his wish’s Bedazzled. And it was 7 wishes, not 3. It’s a remake of the 1967 picture of the same name. bedazzled near brendan fraiser and elizabeth hurley Plot…
And that’s the gruesome truth!?
Anyone see the movie the ugly truth? well right immediately i’m watching it and i like it. Did you like it?? I LOVED it! awwwwwww i definetly lovee it (:! seen it 3 times 😀 im watching harry potter XD mmm I saw it once… I didn’t resembling it very much it was…
And the Best Bond award go to..?
You be the judge -Sean Connery Roger Moore Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan Daniel Craig Pierce Brosnan Goldeneye. Classic But I do like the topical
Quantum of Solace on Blue Ray. More like a part2 to Casino Royale.. Thats so UnBond I really enjoy Roger Moore. Daniel Craig brings such an awesome new generation…
And the worst motion picture sequel award go to.? Which would you choose?
Grease 2 ? Splash 2 perhaps.ANY of the zillion Police Academy sequels? The Matrix Reloaded. Gotta say, the first Matrix is my favorite movie made of all time. The second one is crap. As is the third.. And the award goes too. unbeliveable it’s a tie .Matrix…
Angels and Demons rental?
The blockbuster stores near me say online that they enjoy copies of Angels and Demons in stock. The release date says November 24th but it looks close to they have it. Would I be able to walk and rent it today? Probably not, it has to be release on the release date. Blockbuster and most
Angels contained by America movie/play…?
If anybody can answer any of these, or give me a website that helps me front to these answers it would be great. My teacher just give me a load of questions and theres a few I cannot find the answer to or dont get the message. 1. What is the political agenda in…
Animated Films/Movies Have Grown Up…Who Do They Appeal To Now?
and why Perhaps you’d like to phrase your query as an actual sentence so that we know what it is you’re asking us. They are more appealing to people who grew up within those days (where the movie was shown). Coz in this age group kids doesn’t appreciate the technologies…
Animation movies!!?
Some cute and funny animated movies in english language. close to… -monsters vs aliens -ice age 3
-madagascar 2 Spirited Away – Finding Nemo – Surf’s Up – Howl’s Moving Castle Antz, Ant Bully, Cars, Ratatouille, Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Lion King, WALL-E, Atlantis, Toy Story 1 and 2, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, A Bugs Life (awesome), Nightmare Before…
Another Diehard question—John Wayne rides stale into the sunset near Grace Kelly… Not John Wayne, but?
I’m looking for the right male lead here. It wasn’t John Wayne, but whom? Answer warily and thanks! Clark Gable.? CARY GRANT or Jimmy Stewart? Gary Cooper (High Noon)
Another 1960’s movie minister to please?
This movie was animated and had a toy soldier etc… surrounded by it and I think they went to a topography of mother goose- i can not remember much about it- i be only 5 when I first saw it and again when i was 8 and i am 55 presently and want
Another Movie I can’t remember?
There is another movie that i watched when i was younger but i can’t remember. Its in the region of this girl who became blind after a photographer took her picture during her gymnastics performance. the flash cause her to fall and become blind. i dont know much more, but if you know the title,…
Another press give or take a few saw..?
ok yesterday i posted a question to weather i should watch saw 5 and gratefulness for all the answers i am going to watch adjectives of them before i watch that one.. i watch saw 1 yesterday and i was really dissapointed i it, does the series get better?? and i be…
Another Star Wars query?
I was just asking the describe of Jedi Master Kit Fisto; one of my favorite characters. One thing i like most in the
region of the character is his lightsaber hilt, which I heard be the model for another jedi’s lightsaber. Who was this Jedi? Din something..I reckon The stuntman who played Cin Drallig surrounded by…
Another Tim Burton Question?
I know I just asked a Tim Burton Question, but I have to say-so… Which Tim Burton fans out there despised his version of the Willy Wonka movie? And Corpse Bride? I hate the movie. And Alice contained by Wonderland looks stupid as hell too. But other than that, I love his movies. Actually I don’t…
Another wolf movie- possibly 1980’s?
this movie was a movie but kind of similar to a documentary and I’m not definitely sure but i think it be a based ona true story- this man goes and lives among the wolves to study them within one scene he was naked running next to the wolves- i know
i have…
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