Movie making is my passion and I will do everything for it. Am I crazy?
Question by Janric: Movie making is my passion and I will do everything for it. Am I crazy?
So last week our teacher divided our class into groups to make a film about Physical and Psychological problems. I got so excited about it! It doesn’t mean anything for my classmates but for me,it was like my whole world! Seriously. So the other groups made their films about bicycle accidents and other normal accidents but our group made a film about suicide. When we presented it on our class on Monday, our teachers said they were impressed with our film and they asked me if its okay to present it in the whole school next week because it’s like the ‘Health Week Celebration’. I was so happy. My problem is, I am so passionate about this film making thing that it makes me so happy. Is it even normal? For other students, it’s like nothing. But for me, I’m so happy doing it. And it’s like my whole world. I’m passionate about it and it makes me so so happy.. I’m like obsessed with it and Im worried if im not normal anymore.Because in other people’s eyes, doing movies is just like a little thing,and not a thing to be proud of. But for me, it makes me so happy and proud. Am I the only one experiencing this problem? Thank you for your answers.
Best answer:
Answer by Aleu Ketchum
You are not crazy! Do what you want, follow your dreams! 🙂
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