Movie T-Shirts – Everything You Need To Know


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Movie T-Shirts – Everything You Need To Know

Movie T-shirts have gotten to be more popular today than they have ever been before. It is almost impossible to walk through the mall or department store on a weekend without seeing at least a few Will Ferrel or Ben Stiller quotes displayed proudly across the chests of young people. This is a recent trend however. For decades, these interesting shirts have been an ideal way for motion picture fans to show support for the flicks they love, but in the past they always failed to catch on with mainstream fashion. Only in recent years have movie tees transitioned from nerd attire to must have pieces of any respectable wardrobe.

Traditionally, clothing inspired by Star Wars or Indiana Jones or any other popular film would simply feature the logo or title of the flick displayed across your chest. That tradition has changed, and today movie t-shirts are


extremely well designed, often featuring artwork worthy of being framed and hung on your wall. Mainstream fashion experts have now caught on, and movie shirts have rapidly become the hot items to have in your closet. Currently, film t-shirt designs fall into three general categories:

Funny Quotes – Funny quote tees are intended to make you laugh. They typically feature a funny quote from the silver screen alongside a picture of the character who said the quote in the film. These jokes can be confusing to anyone who is unfamiliar with the film that that quote is borrowed from. Some mainstream cinematic features contain enough humorous quotes to stock an entire wardrobe. Anchorman and The Big Lebowski are two perfect examples that have lent their hilarious quotes to countless articles of clothing.
Creative Jokes – These tees often depict a character from a film in a


situation that was not actually in the script. Often these tees will employ a clever pun or pop culture reference. Creative joke style clothing has taken off in popularity recently. It usually has great artwork to complement the joke and the movie tie in, so they look great while serving as interesting conversation starters.
Logos – Logo Tees are the classic shirts you probably think of when combining Hollywood and fashion. They are like wearing a promotional poster on your chest. These tees are very simple in design. Picture the words “Star Wars” on a t-shirt, and that is it.

If you like to stay current on fashion trends, then you should probably stock your closet with a wide array of colors, types, and varieties of movie t-shirts. Similarly, If you consider yourself a film buff, then you would be remiss to not own at least a few shirts inspired by your favorite films.


Movie t-shirts are here to stay; at least as long as clothing and movies are stil being produced.

Visit to see movie t-shirts from all of your favorite films.

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