Movie Training & Film Making Tips – Volume 10


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Movie Training & Film Making Tips – Volume 10

In this installment of Film Making Tips, I want to talk about what is probably the most important thing when you’re first starting out…getting ideas.

If you’ve already got an idea for a movie, great. But maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re scratching your head trying to come up with something. Here are a few tips for coming up with ideas.

1. Look At What’s Already Been Done

How many times do you see remakes of old movies or, at the very least, movies that have very similar themes to movies that have already been made?

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There have literally been millions of movies made. You should be able to easily get ideas from just going through your own list of favorite movies.

2. Look To Life

I know that real life is really not very interesting, but take something like Law

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