My friend copied my idea to right a story!?
Question by Tommy P: My friend copied my idea to right a story!?
Ok, I really like to type storys, mostly Scripts for Preforming Arts, but i wall almost type anything. and one day i started to write a novel, i thought i was really great, i put all my thoughts into it. then i told my only friend sydney that i was righting this. She completely did the same thing. she started a story. and she wont stop talking about it!… i know, IM JELLOUS! but she taking all the credit! i told her friends and the ready the fist 2 chapters, she told her pairents and they are gonna try to publidh it! I feel really used and jellous. i know that i should be happy for her but i dont have friends, not even friend that will try to read it… i cry at night becuase i know that she is gonna sell it and make alot of money! and i tryed to read it, but i couldnt because i was very poorly written. what could i tell her so she will loosen up and tell her friends that i helped… Plzzz….
Best answer:
Answer by Dynamite
Well if it’s very poorly written she wouldn’t get it published.
Just lash out on her and tell her how you really feel.
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