My Improbable Evolution Into a Passionate e-Bayer
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have 544 sales, and still only that one complaint, for a 99.8% rating, a number that is capable of engendering a high level of confidence in potential buyers. Books have provided me with a great reputation on eBay, which I anticipate I will be using to springboard myself into higher ticket sales.
They have also provided me with a fantastic library of over 2,000 books on my favorite subjects: music, nutrition, sports, nature, psychology, and legal thrillers. I needed to become familiar with legal thrillers because a writer’s website had advised me that a writer must know the genre he or she is writing in. My years of law offices have provided me with a wealth of very dramatic stories, some of which were very high profile.
My son, incidentally, has over 560 sales himself, which has helped pay for his musical development and living expenses. He sells concert
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