My New book ideas/ let me know?
Question by Mr. Gumbo: My New book ideas/ let me know?
Ok hi everybody new day of ideas. for you that dont know me i am ryan. i think i have ideas for books and i just want to know what you think. check my other posts.
Idea#1: the book is a bout an only child whos mother has disappeared.
the little boy lives with his father now. the boy suspects that the dad has murdered her. he finds a document that has instructions of how people would kidnap the mom and then the boy. the boy is shocked. one day the boy hears his dads phone conversation with a russian. the man says that they have the wife and she is fine but the kid has to be more healthy. the boy doesnt understand. if i make this book i will explain the plot. oh the boy is adopted if that helps you figure out the plot.
Idea#2: A man finds a broken old dummy on a street corner at night. he takes the dummy and decides that he will make an act. his first act sucked. he then hears the dummy say “Incorono il burattinaio di thee” which means something in italian. the man is then blessed with skill of puppeteering. the dummy earns him thousands of dollars. then the ending.
Idea#3: this idea i just thought of today. the inspiration comes from a man asking me when my dad will be home. heres the idea.
this will be a short story. it is about a teenager who has a great day at school. he then comes home. as he is walking the busstop to pick up his brother, a new resdient in the neighborhood came up to him and said when will your dad come home. the boy lies and says he will be home early today. as he is taking his brother back to the house, he sees the man looking into his backyard. the boy then asks him what the hell are you doing. he just said he was looking over the fence because he saw a cat. the boy then goes into his house and….you help me finish
so these idea were just thought up of. dont be too critical im only 13. let me know which one
you like the best
which one i should finish
which can be made into a movie
any suggestions
pick a title for each story
thanks guys
Best answer:
Answer by museiq2
i like idea 1 the best
you should finish idea 1
idea 1 can be made into a movie
I would suggest you not make the boy seem like a whiz kid. make him like able by him having to depend on someone to help. like a future girlfriend or something.
Idea 1:disturbing truth
idea 2:not like Pinocchio
idea 3: the return
godd luck babe:)
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