name of an asian movie with great effects?
Question by tugiez: name of an asian movie with great effects?
i watched a preview of this Asian movie a couple of years back and i forgot the name of it.. it had AMAZING effects and i need to know what it is.
I think it’s about this guy who is weak or something and then he gets hurt and gets super strong, there is also this guy stuck in jail who is old and knows all about the fighting techniques and what not.. there is one scene where the guy digs his foot into the old guys foot making it go beneath the ground and there is another scene where this guy fights two parents.. :S
im sorry for the bad description but if you know the name of this movie can you please tell me what it is.. thank-you 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by 6545
Kungfu Hustle (2004)
Set in Canton, China in the 1940s, the story revolves in a town ruled by the Axe Gang, Sing who desperately wants to become a member. He stumbles into a slum ruled by eccentric landlords who turns out to be the greatest kung-fu masters in disguise. Sing’s actions eventually cause the Axe Gang and the slumlords to engage in an explosive kung-fu battle. Only one side will win and only one hero will emerge as the greatest kung-fu master of all.
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