Need Help With Website Programming…?

Question by learning80: Need Help With Website Programming…?
Built my own site using a wysiwyg editor a few months ago. It’s getting more and more traffic and I would like to start selling advertising space in addition to the adsense earnings that are coming in.

How can I set up the advertising space so that I don’t have to change 100 pages just to get the ads online?

I don’t know anything about style sheets and I don’t have it on my pages. I don’t use WordPress either and would prefer not to change over unless it’s necessary.

Or is it done with Java Script?

Where can I learn about these things?

Thank you!!

Best answer:

Answer by Rob J
Switch your file extensions to .php

make a new php file called ads.php and place ONLY the advertisement code there

on every page, where you want the ad to appear put:

Thats the simplest way. I would just switch to a PHP powered website entirely if you want to update it frequently.

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