Need the name of this movie & the name of the actor?

Question by xXsummndXx: Need the name of this movie & the name of the actor?
I can’t remember ANYTHING about the name of it or his name—

A family- Mother, father, & a son or two are supposed to go white water rafting, I believe. The mother used to work as a guide there, so she can take her family herself. Last minute the father decides he can’t make it because of work. 3-4 guys show up at the river & start convesations. The mother informs them that she was a guide there & says that she will help them with the river if they stay behind her…at some point the guys also find out that her husband isn’t around much. Then her husband shows up. A while later the main male ends up killing his buddies I think & when they stop to camp he tries to kill the father multiple times. The whole time heis trying to get closer tothe boy by giving him hundreds of dollars.??? Help please, name of the movie & the actors name…He also played in a movie where he was a “nice guy” trying to ge close to a teen girl & ends up trying to kill her but I think she kills him at the end.
That has bugged me for years! & I found him once & forgot again [I wrote it down this time] Thank you so much! You will get best answer as soon as I’m allowed to =D

Best answer:

Answer by Meaghan
The River Wild (1994):
(all of the actors are listed in the above link)

“Gail, an expert at white water rafting, takes her family on a trip down the river to their family’s house. Along the way, the family encounters two men who are unexperienced rafters that need to find their friends down river. Later, the family finds out that the pair of men are armed robbers. The men then physically force the family to take them down the river to meet their accomplices. The rafting trip for the family is definitely ruined, but most importantly, their lives are at stake.”


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